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Vegan BBQ


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Grilling your way

Marinate, garnish, inspire! With our recipes and lots of tips and tricks, your barbecue summer will be unique. Discover the diversity of barbecuing with Kotányi - 100% natural and genuine in flavour.

The warm season invites you to barbecue! It's the perfect opportunity to spend cosy evenings in the garden or on the balcony or terrace with your loved ones and enjoy a delicious meal. And the best thing about it: purely plant-based delicacies also cut a fine figure on the barbecue. But if you're only thinking of lonely courgette slices on the grill, you're very much mistaken. Time to unpack the barbecue, light the fire and grab the tongs!

Proper planning doesn't come easy

If you are organising a purely vegan barbecue for the first time or want to conjure up delicious dishes for vegan guests, you will need to invest a little more time in preparation at the beginning – but a routine will soon settle in. Prepare your sauces, marinades and dressings the day before to save time. Of course, you should only prepare fresh, green salads on the day of the barbecue.
If you have vegans as guests and also want to serve meat, make sure that you grill the plant-based food on a separate area of the grill so that it does not come into contact with other food. If you have two grills available, use a second one for vegan food.

Grillen Blog Vegan Beilagen Gemüse

Grilling vegetables correctly - here's how it's done

When it comes to vegan barbecuing, it’s the external values that count: Seasoning, salt and marinade. You should roughly chop the vegan barbecue classics courgettes and aubergines before marinating them, salt them well and wait a while. This will remove the water from the vegetables and allow them to soak up the marinade properly! To ensure that this works, you need to wipe off the salt or rinse and pat dry before marinating.

The process is slightly different for beetroot, cauliflower, corn on the cob and broccoli, as these vegetables should be blanched briefly and dried well before marinating. You should cook carrots completely before putting them on the grill. Onions, mushrooms, peppers and asparagus, on the other hand, can be placed raw in the marinade and then on the grill without hesitation.
Please note: some vegetables cook faster than others, so let soft vegetables such as courgettes or onions and hard vegetables such as sweetcorn and carrots sizzle away together.

More than just greens

No more prejudices! Many people find meat substitutes, tofu or seitan boring. But with these products in particular, it’s the seasoning that counts. It’s the same with meat: it’s the marinade that gives it the character you want.
Just take a quick look in the chilled aisle and you’ll see: The range of meatless BBQ products does not disappoint – quite the opposite. The bigger the supermarket, the more you will find. Alternatively, you can of course also order from online shops, where you can often discover special treats that normal shops don’t stock. If you want to grill neither substitute products, nor tofu or seitan, we recommend king oyster mushrooms. You can buy them in any well-stocked supermarket and they can be grilled on their own or you make a few skewers with them. Even without a special marinade, the juicy mushrooms have an excellent nutty flavour of their own.
Another option is soya steaks, which you can find in online shops under “Soya Big Steaks”. They are made from defatted soya flour, have a high protein content and taste delicious with the right marinade.

Say yes to tofu

Grillen Recipe Vegan Tofumarinade

510 Min

Mediterranean tofu marinade

510 Min Easy

You don't have to be afraid of tofu if you know how to prepare it for the barbecue. Just like meat, natural tofu needs a good marinade in order to ultimately shine with flavour and aroma - we not only have the right spices for this, but also a few tips and tricks that will make you look at tofu differently.

Side dishes & co

When you think about vegan side dishes, salads most likely come to your mind. What about hummus and pita bread, or a creamy avocado dip with (homemade) tortillas? Of course, you can also grill a few herb baguettes the classic way, as you can also find vegan versions in well-stocked supermarkets. There are no limits to your creativity, and you can serve up whatever comes to mind. We’ve collected some inspiration for you anyway! Have fun!

Grillen Blog Vegan Beilagen Baguette

How to find the right grill

The classic charcoal barbecue is to a certain extent the most original form of home barbecuing. To get the embers to the ideal temperature quickly, it is advisable to use barbecue lighters made from wood fibres. These are environmentally friendly and do not contain paraffin, petroleum, or paraffin. Once the spark is lit, it is advisable to use large pieces of coal or briquettes. They keep the heat longer and the embers glow gently until late into the night – just in case someone gets hungry again late at night.
This also prevents the build-up of smoke from dust. Of course, you can also have a first-class barbecue with a gas barbecue, a truly high-tech appliance. Similar to charcoal barbecues, they are available in a wide range to suit different needs and budgets. We have compared charcoal and gas barbecues in a blog post so that you can make the best decision for your barbecue experience.

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