Rosemary and Pepper Cherries
30—40 MinOpposites attract, which is why fruit tastes so unbelievably good when combined with savory fare. We like to serve cherries as an accompaniment to spicy cheeses or steak — it's a combination that's guaranteed to impress!
Ingredients 6 Portions
- 1 kgSour cherries
- 200 mlRed wine vinegar
- 150 mlOrange juice
- 0.5 pieceOrganic lemon
- 250 gPreserving sugar
- 2 Sprigs of rosemary
- 2 tbsp.Pepper Green, Whole
- 2 tbsp.Pepper Black, Whole
- 1 pieceCinnamon, Whole
- 2 pieceCloves, Whole
- 1 pinchSea Salt, Coarse
- 1
Wash the cherries, then remove the stalks and stones. Wash the rosemary and shake it dry, then pluck the leaves from the sprigs and slice finely. Wash the lemon in hot water and dry, then remove the peel and slice into thin strips.
- 2
Add the rosemary, lemon zest, vinegar, orange juice, peppercorns, a pinch of salt, the cinnamon stick, the cloves and the preserving sugar to a pan, bring to the boil and simmer on a high heat for around three minutes while stirring.
- 3
Add the cherries and leave to simmer for another minute or so, then season with salt to taste. Fish out the lemon peel, cinnamon stick and cloves and then immediately place the cherries in clean screw-top jars and seal.
- 4
Turn the jars upside down so they're placed on their lids for 10 minutes and allow the cherries to cool, then turn and allow to cool completely. Then leave the cherries to infuse for at least three weeks.
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