Spare Ribs with Green Beans Wrapped in Bacon
120—150 MinKotányi's Grill Smoked mix and apple juice give the spare ribs a wonderful fruity, smoky flavor. You can also cook these irresistible ribs in the oven.
Ingredients 4 Portions
- 4 pieceSpare ribs
- 4 tbsp.Grill Smoked Seasoning Mix
- 4 tbsp.Sunflower oil
- 300 gGreen beans, fresh or frozen
- 8 Bacon rashers
- 100 mlApple juice
- 2 pieceCiabatta
- 1 pinchSea Salt, Coarse
- 1
Rinse the spare ribs in cold water, pat dry and remove the silverskin from the underside. Combine the Kotányi Grill Smoked mix with the sunflower oil, rub it onto the spare ribs and allow to infuse wrapped in plastic wrap in the fridge for at least 2 hours (preferably overnight).
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Blanch the green beans in a pan of salted water for 5 minutes, then plunge into ice-cold water. Divide the green beans into 8 small bunches and wrap in the bacon.
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Grill the spare ribs for 90 minutes under indirect heat (around 120°C to 140°C [248°F to 284°F]) with the door closed. Coat with apple juice every 20 minutes. If desired, quickly grill under direct heat until crispy. Allow to infuse wrapped in aluminum foil for 10 minutes.
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Grill the green beans wrapped in bacon until the bacon is crispy and leave to drain on paper towels.
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Dish the spare ribs up with the green beans and ciabatta and serve. This dish can also be cooked in the oven: Cook for 90 minutes at 140°C (284°F) using the conventional oven setting. Coat with apple juice every 20 minutes. After 90 minutes switch on the grill function and grill until the spare ribs are crispy. Allow to infuse wrapped in aluminum foil for 10 minutes.
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