Organic Parsley, Chopped

Carefully selected organic parsley with a fresh and spicy taste: harvested, processed and packaged to the strictest organic standards — just like all organic herbs and spices from Kotányi.

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Related Recipes

The versatile herb

Parsley is a wonderfully versatile seasoning that ups flavor factor in almost all dishes, thanks to its fresh, aromatic, lemony and slightly sweet flavor. Parsley tastes truly wonderful with dumplings, meat, fish and vegetable dishes, as well as salads and soups.

Using parsley the right way

Add parsley shortly before serving so preserve the full flavor. Parsley also makes a great garnish — simply sprinkle a few dried leaves over the finished dish!

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A feast for the eyes

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Kotányi Parsley is meticulously dried to preserve the lush green color. The uniform size of the leaves is a mark of their high quality, and makes food look even more impressive.