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Meal Prep: On the go


Meal Prep Title

Days and weeks full of work and a full calendar often leave no time for relaxation, which can result in a lack of motivation when it comes to healthy eating and cooking. Don't worry, there's a rather easy solution: Meal prepping! Learn all about it in this blog.

Benefits of meal prepping

Meal prepping is not about quick, nutrient-poor snacks for in-between meals, but about balanced, healthy meals with nutrient ratios that revitalise the already stressed body. Meal prep therefore not only counteracts the additional stress of preparing meals that are as creative as possible, but is also characterised by the following advantages: First and foremost, we save ourselves a lot of time that we gain elsewhere, for example when exercising or meeting friends. Furthermore, we are less inclined to buy food indiscriminately at the supermarket due to a lack of time and stress. This also means a reduction in waste and spoilt food that is bought but never used. And last but not least, we tend to buy much less on impulse by thinking carefully in advance about what to cook and when. We automatically eat healthier, more balanced and smaller portions.

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What to bear in mind

To avoid putting yourself under unnecessary pressure, I recommend limiting yourself to just one prepared meal a day at the beginning. After a long day at work, we are usually particularly happy to have dinner already prepared. However, if you don’t have a canteen in the office or aren’t convinced of its quality, you will be happier with a home-made lunch. Morning grouches, on the other hand, are probably best served with a prepared breakfast.
Our next tip concerns the storage and transport of food. Disposable jars (for colourful salads and muesli of all kinds) and sealable reusable glass boxes have proven to be particularly practical here.
One last tip before we head into the kitchen: season food sparingly during preparation, as flavour and aroma can be lost during storage. Spices used immediately before eating are even more flavourful. Dried spices have the advantage that you can store them for a long time at home or at work, so you can choose what you want to flavour your meal with every day.
Dried basil can be combined with Mediterranean dishes, curry and coriander with couscous, nutmeg with lasagne and so on. Ready-made spice mixes from Kotányi are also practical here.

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The ideal ingredients

So well-prepared, the only question now is: “What do I cook?”. As mentioned at the beginning, every meal should be healthy and balanced. Balanced means that the nutrient ratios should be tailored to your own needs.
As a rule of thumb, however, we can remember that half of every meal should consist of cooked vegetables, salad or raw vegetables. The more colourful, the better! We also combine this with a high-quality source of protein, such as lean meat, fish, eggs, dairy products or pulses. Finally, we add a handful of carbohydrates, such as wholemeal bread, rice, pasta or potatoes. I also recommend a small portion of healthy fats, which we can find in vegetable oils, nuts, seeds or avocados. There are practically no limits to the possible combinations!

All beginnings are difficult

Take courage! Every beginning is difficult. But after a few dishes, you’ll find it easier and easier to prepare your meals. You’ll soon get the hang of it, and there are countless combinations for delicious, healthy meal packages. So have fun (pre-)cooking!

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