Decorate your BBQ evening to set the mood.

A Feast for the Eye – Decoration Tips for the Barbecue

A Feast for the Eye – Decoration Tips for the Barbecue

Although the highlight of every barbecue is the delicious food that ends up on the plates, we’d argue that the atmosphere of the evening is just as important. For this reason, we collected some decoration tips so that you and your guests can enjoy a feast for the eyes and soul in addition to the feast from the grill. Get inspired!
We don’t want to limit ourselves or you to one style of decor here – every party should be as individual as its host. For this reason, all of our tips can be applied across all design styles, no matter whether you skew more towards modern barn house, boho, or even a more minimalist design.

Let There Be Light

Let’s start with the most important thing: light equals atmosphere. Nothing influences the mood of an (evening) barbecue more than the lighting. Start thinking about lighting options early on, it doesn’t matter if you want to have your barbecue on the balcony or in the garden: We recommend you use fairy lights – they’re a small addition with a big effect. There is a wide variety of different light strings you can use, from subtle wire fairy lights to more retro-inspired ones with small LED bulbs. It’s important to choose the right light color, because ideally you want to immerse the surroundings in a warm white hue of light.

Friends enjoying a BBQ evening with fairy light decoration.

You can also create some magic with battery-operated wire fairy lights: you can, for example, place them inside a glass vase before putting flowers inside as a centerpiece. You can also stage a safe “bonfire” with these discreet fairy lights. Simply place firewood in a bowl or fire pit, wrap fairy lights around the wood and place some more over the logs – your faux bonfire is ready, and no one can burn themselves.

Candlelight BBQ

Of course, not only artificial light sources have the ability to set the mood. You can also focus on candlelight – to create a more romantic atmosphere. How about a renaissance of the floating candle? Fill flower vases with water and then place the floating candles inside. If that’s not for you, try taking old jam jars, wrapping them with jute twine or lace and lighting tealights in them.

These jars don’t only look good on the table, they also shine around it: Tie some jute twine tightly around the neck of the jam jar and make a handle, with which you can hang the jar on a tree, for example. Then add a small candle or (even safer) an LED candle to the jar. Hang as many of these as possible and wow your guests with a tree of lights! By the way, there are also jars where a stable suspension has already been thought of.

Hanging candles on a tree in summer.

Decorate Naturally

Aside from creating the right mood with lighting, we also love using plants as decoration to integrate your setting into the surrounding nature (and yes, if you only have a balcony, you can also bring the nature to you!). During the warmer months, you don’t necessarily have to scurry to the nearest flower store to add floral accents, either: Delicate, colorful flowers and grasses that you pick in a meadow on the morning of your party will do just fine. You can also use old jam or preserving jars for them, wrapping them with jute fabric or paper ruffles – even cans without labels make good DIY vases. By the way: Try to upcycle our glass spice jars – we’ve written down how to turn them into cute little vases here.

Flowers in pretty DIY vases.

Basically, the more green, the better! Is there still space left on the table? Fill it up with plants. Whether you choose colorful flowers or ivy and eucalyptus branches, it will bring a beautiful freshness to the table.

Herbs Bring Joy

Of course, we love herbs and spices – otherwise we would not be Kotányi. But we believe they do more than taste good. Herbs and spices also make very pretty decorative elements. Rosemary or bay leaves, for example, are great for decorating napkins or place cards: attach a sprig or leaf to a wrapped-up napkin with jute twine and your guests will be immersed in the theme as soon as they arrive.

Video Napkin Folding

Use What You Have

Especially if you’re hosting a garden party, I’m sure you already have quite a few things that can serve a decorative function. Do you have a wooden ladder? Then use it as a coat rack or as a holder for blankets when it gets chilly later. Do you have large tubs or – even better – an old wheelbarrow? These can all be eye-catchers and outdoor refrigerators at the same time. Simply put your drinks in the wheelbarrow and fill it up with cold water and ice cubes regularly.

Our Deco Commandments

Summing up our recommendations, we are left with a few deco commandments to live and decorate by:

  • Make sure something is happening above your guests heads. For celebrations during the day garlands are suitable, in the evening provide fairy lights or lanterns for a beautiful atmosphere.
  • Bring nature to the table: Set accents using plants, tie some small bouquets of meadow flowers, accessorize napkins with leaves and herbs. Use subtle, transparent glasses – colorful tinted glasses would distract too much from the rest.
  • Spread out a tablecloth! A little cloth on the table can have a great effect!
  • If you’re going for colorful accents, stick to one color scheme. Unless you’re throwing a kids’ party – where you can use all the colors of the rainbow!
  • Don’t stress too much about decorating! It’s better to concentrate on doing little things – and have more time to relax.