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Potatoes: nutrient rich tubers


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Potatoes can do far more than their reputation suggests. The low-calorie tubers are true all-rounders: they provide large amounts of vitamin C, have an alkalising effect and have a long shelf life - to name just a few of their many positive properties.

Not just a side dish

Potatoes are often considered as a “fattening food”, a side dish that figure-conscious people are better off skipping. But today we want to dispel this rumour and show you what potatoes can do and how many essential nutrients these small tubers contain. We will also find out: Not every variety is the same.

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Lots of variety

Depending on their starch content, potatoes can be roughly divided into “waxy” and “floury” varieties. As the name suggests, waxy varieties are better suited to “firm to the bite” dishes, such as salads and roast potatoes. Floury varieties, on the other hand, make perfect mash or soup.

Potatoes are light and easy to digest

Due to the wide variety of preparation methods and long shelf life, potatoes are in season almost all year round and have become an indispensable part of our menus. The nightshade plant has hardly any fat and only a few calories per se. The potato probably owes its bad reputation as a “fattening food” more to preparation methods such as deep-frying and gratinating (with too much cheese).

Karotten-Erdäpfelsuppe mit Majoran und Lorbeer

Made for athletes

In addition to a high carbohydrate content, potatoes also contain many essential amino acids, which have a high biological value and can therefore be easily digested and absorbed. They also keep you full for a long time and are rich in vitamin C and sufficient micronutrients. The small tuber is therefore extremely suitable for active athletes!

Something sweet?

The sweet potato ranks 3rd in the global production of root and tuber food crops, after the potato and cassava.
Nomen est omen: the sweet taste of the sweet potato comes from its higher sugar content compared to the potato, but it also has a much higher fibre content and is bursting with beta-carotene and vitamins A and E.
If you fancy more dishes with this earthy tuber, you can find lots more ideas here. Have fun cooking with the versatile potato!

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