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How to make tomato sauce at home


Tomatensauce Einkochen

If you haven't dabbled in canning until now, you're in the right place. With simple and helpful tips, you'll know exactly how to master your homemade tomato sauce. This way, you've preserved your own treasures from summer in jars during the cold season, bringing a bit of sunshine into your delicious dishes on gloomy days.

What you need

You’ll need two large pots (at least 10 litres each): one for the tomato sauce and the other for sterilizing the jars. Additionally, you’ll need large tongs, a funnel, a ladle, and dish towels. Lastly, the most important items are, of course, the jars. Jars with elastic rubber and spring clips work well as they are the easiest to reopen. You can also repurpose screw-top jars that you’d typically toss into the glass recycling bin. Keep in mind that the shelf life of the contents shortens once the jar is opened, so opt for smaller jars.

Zwei große Töpfe

Essential precautions

To truly guarantee shelf life, it’s crucial to prioritize cleanliness. A clean kitchen makes the process much easier. Wash all jars, lids, and rubber seals in the dishwasher. Thoroughly inspect and wash the vegetables. If a tomato shows any signs of mould, discard the entire piece, as the mould can permeate the entire tomato. The presence of mould or bacteria can later lead to spoilage in the jar.

Sterilization of jars

To sterilize the jars, heat hot water in a pot, place the jars, lids, and rubber seals in it, and let them simmer for 10 minutes. From this point on, handle all jars, lids, and seals only with the also sterilized tongs. After all, we prioritize hygiene to enjoy our preserved treasures in winter. Now, place all sterile jars with the opening facing down, along with the lids and rubber seals, on a clean dish towel. Don’t forget to sterilize the funnel and ladle too! Always fill the hot tomato sauce into the jars and seal them immediately. As it cools, a vacuum is created, which is crucial for shelf life. It also causes the jar to pop when you open it for the first time. Store the finished tomato sauce in a cool, dark place. After opening, it’s best to keep the jar in the refrigerator.

Tomatensauce In Gläser Gefüllt

It all pays off!

If you’re still not inspired to make your own tomato sauce, here are a few wonderful reasons that will surely convince you. When it comes to your homemade tomato sauce, you know exactly what’s in it. No preservatives, no flavour enhancers, no added sugar, just pure enjoyment. A sauce without additives in such great quality can be quite expensive. Homemade tastes so much better and also saves some money. You preserve last summer in a jar and can add a piece of it to your wonderful dishes anytime. With your favourite herbs and spices, you can get creative and customize the tomato sauce to your taste. Enjoy!

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