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7 things you didn’t know about cinnamon


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We associate cinnamon with Christmas, the Orient and bazaars. However, only a few people know the history of this spice. We present seven interesting facts about the mysterious cinnamon!

1. Cinnamon belongs to Christmas because it is something special

Cinnamon was once more valuable than gold. There are even references to this in the Old Testament. In medieval recipes, cinnamon was therefore used in an almost lavish manner – so that the nobility could prove their wealth. Because cinnamon was considered expensive and prestigious, it was used to flavour many festive baked goods. Even today, it is still an integral part of gingerbread, cinnamon stollen and the like.

2. In ancient Egypt, mummies were embalmed with cinnamon

Cinnamon inhibits the development of bacteria and has a preservative effect. The ancient Egyptians already appreciated this, as they used cassia and Ceylon cinnamon to embalm their dead. This is documented by hieroglyphics in ancient temples built around 1500 BC!

Zimt Chocolate Caliente

3. The perfect pairing: Chocolate and cinnamon

In Mexico, a little chilli is traditionally added to chocolate in order to give it a fiery, tangy flavour. But that’s not all! Large cups of hot chocolate are stirred with a cinnamon stick because the flavours of cinnamon and chocolate complement each other perfectly. For the traditional “Chocolate Caliente”, add a little nutmeg and the pulp of half a vanilla pod.

In this video you will learn more about “blooming” and how you can get the best and most intense taste out of spices such as cinnamon. This gives your creations a special touch.

4. Cinnamon is a laurel plant

You read that right! Although the flavours are clearly different, the noble, tart bay leaf and the slightly hot, warm and spicy cinnamon are related. The shrub-like cinnamon tree forms eight to ten lateral branches, which are harvested after three years. The actual spice is the inner bark of the plant. After fermentation and drying, it develops the unmistakable cinnamon flavour.

5. 1001 erotic nights: cinnamon is a pleasure enhancer

Cinnamon has an aphrodisiac effect. As a natural stimulant, it warms and revitalises the senses. It is no coincidence that cinnamon sticks smouldered in Indian harems and were also used as incense in religious rituals. In ancient times, the Greeks and Romans used cinnamon as a remedy, and in the Middle Ages it was even said to be able to ward off the plague.

6. Cinnamon is very versatile

Gingerbread, baked apples and stewed fruit: most of us associate cinnamon with desserts. In fact, cinnamon is also an excellent flavouring for savoury dishes. Cassia cinnamon (also known as Chinese cinnamon) in particular adds a wonderful spicy flavour to hearty curry and rice dishes! In India, the cinnamon sticks are fried in hot oil so that the bark pieces unroll and release their full flavour.

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7. Flowers and cinnamon

In Austria, lovers used to give each other a bouquet of cinnamon sticks as a sign of their affection. The spice exudes a seductive and noble scent that was intended to beguile the beloved. The expensive cinnamon sticks also proved how much the chosen one meant to you. Even today, you can still find them in some bouquets if you look out for them!

The world of spices is huge, and we never tired of exploring it. We also take care of recipes, interesting facts and tips & tricks on Facebook and Instagram, why not have a look?

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