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5 tips to get you through the cold season


Blog Erkaeltung

Scratchy throat, runny nose? It's that time of year again - the season of colds. Coughs, colds and sore throats can spoil your golden autumn. From inhaling and drinking plenty of fluids to exercising in the fresh air and eating a non-stressful diet - there are many tips to help you through the cold season. We've put together five of them for you here.

#1: Rest and relaxation

Sleep well. As simple as these words sound, they are also true. Even a simple cold saps our body’s energy. The more time we take for ourselves, the less we stress ourselves, the more strength our body can muster for recovery. So try to shift down a gear and take it easy for a few days.

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#2: Stay hydrated and focus on warm beverages

Drinking is very important anyway. It becomes even more important when you have a cold. Drink mainly warm drinks, such as tea. Warm tea helps to loosen stubborn mucus during a cold and keeps the mucous membranes moisturised. Thyme tea, sage or elderflower tea are particularly good for colds, coughs and hoarseness.

#3: Inhale with salt water

Inhaling helps to moisturise the mucous membranes when you have a cold. This is because the dry heating air makes them cracked and therefore more susceptible to infections. It helps to dissolve a tablespoon of salt in hot water and then inhale for around ten minutes. The salt does not have to be a special salt, you can simply use salt that you have at home, such as sea salt.

#4: Spend some time in the fresh air

Put on a cosy warm jacket, tie on a scarf, put on a hat and get out into the fresh air. Light exercise despite a cold is good for the body. The blood circulation in our body is stimulated, and the sunlight has a positive effect on our mood. Although it doesn’t speed up the healing process, exercise can help to alleviate the feeling of illness. However, if you feel too weak or have a fever, then airing out is the better choice. Don’t stress yourself under any circumstances. The walk should do you good and not put any additional strain on you.

#5: Focus on a varied diet

Our digestion requires a lot of energy. Energy that you need for your recovery during a cold. Therefore, you shouldn’t burden yourself with heavy food. Soups are particularly good for a cold, as they don’t burden the body and additionally provide your body with fluids. The classic among soups during the cold season is chicken soup. Slurping soup also helps in the decongestion process. Meanwhile, there are even cautious indications that chicken soup may actually have anti-inflammatory effects. By the way, the ancient Egyptians already ate chicken soup for colds.

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Dont't give way to the illness

To ensure that the cold doesn’t stand a chance in the first place, a few precautions can help. Get enough sleep, have a vitamin-rich diet, wash your hands regularly, and try to avoid stress. You can also prepare the “Immune Booster Drink,” the Orange-Ginger-Turmeric Shot, at home.

We wish you good health!

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